Does Previously Unheard Conversation With Tupac Reveal Why He Was Killed?

“This is why he was killed and his surveillance records need to be released. This is why all HipHoppers in the early stages were tracked by the police in modern-day COINTELPRO; when consciousness (motive) meets charisma (opportunity) meets money (resources to make a movement happen), USA power structure feels that it has a problem. Hence, the Ms. Lauryn Hill treatment if you’re lucky, the Tupac treatment if you’re not. Look at what Hip Hop has left standing. And Leonard Rowe is still in prison and the Hollywood execs are still hating on us by promoting negative culture. Release all the records, stop the surveillance! MLK records still have not been released, nor Tupac’s. Where’s Congress? Where’s truth?” – Cynthia McKinney

About Cynthia McKinney

Cynthia McKinney has made a career of speaking her mind and challenging authority. She began on day one of her political life and hasn’t looked back. With her opinions, actions, and even her sense of style, McKinney has inspired both admiration and controversy.

During her second term, her district was re-drawn and re-numbered the 4th district. McKinney protested the new boundaries, but was still reelected to the seat. She was a supporter of a Palestinian State in Israel-occupied territory, and sparked controversy by criticizing American policy in the Middle East. After 9/11, McKinney suggested the President had received warnings. The criticism she received as a result, combined with being targeted by the pro-Israel lobby, contributed to her defeat in the 2002 election; however, she ran for the seat again and was re-elected in 2004.  Read more

tupac screen


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Michael Jackson’s Xscape (Saturn Death Cult OX Mix)

Perhaps a better headline would be:  Saturn Death Cult OX  reviews Michael Jackson’s”Xscape”, because the reviews are in, and the message is clear: when it comes to the industry, and the powers that should not be, he did not escape.

The occult mark of the beast: Most people do not know this, but according to the Ordo Templi Orientis, magicians, and others, is an “O” and an “X” —>  None Dare Call It Comiconspiracy: The Truth Behind The Fiction Is Stranger Than Fiction

Note also that the letter “X” contains four pyramids, with their tops pointing toward the center.


While I did not catch catch the significance of “OX” at first, I did catch the reference to Saturn. Michael Jackson is inside the rings, and he cannot escape “their” grip.

Michael ox crop


I hate giving good people bad news – The Oracle in The Matrix

I have been so caught up in Sun worship (Sunday) that I ignored Saturn worhsip (Saturday). Saturn may play a bigger role than I realized, and its symbols are many, including obvious references from rings, to pyramids.

X mac

x aol 2

I am very much in the thick of absorbing all of this information, but it would be nonsense to miss a post about this while his album is still making the news.

There are many sites out there with in-depth information on this topic. As noted, it is not my intention to reinvent the wheel, but to point people in the right direction. Here a few more links with a lot of symbols, and some freaky facts about how the powers that should not be be are directing every act in their play.

Jordan Maxwell Show . com (only official at this time)


Mark Passio

Popeye of Federal Jack . com

Christopher Everard

As noted in the links below, the Saturn Death Cult shows up in Mecca (the Vatican of Islam), however rather than Saturn, the black box represents Venus (the black box being another major symbol of the cult). It shows up everywhere. One example that shocked me just a few minutes ago is graduation caps.

Black Stone of Mecca, Hajj – Crystalinks


 In Masonry, That black cap is called a mortar board. Masons mix cement on a mortar board… Another brick in the wall…. the BLOCK head indOXtrination of the OXford CAP of SATURN EL with its OX tail or tassEL, which signifies you can now think inside the BOX, and youre deCAPitated when you toss your CAP in the air because theyve CAPPED ur ass, just like the ancient ritual sacrifices of the BULL or OX to Saturn EL, the BULL GOD!

“This is why graduates, students who have received degrees, wear a mortar board at their graduation, or conferring of degrees. A mortar board is a tool used by Masons when building. It’s purpose is to hold the mortar for the bricks, or stones, which are being placed. The two definitions for mortarboard are a board about three feet square for holding mortar, and an academic cap. The cap, like the tool, is square for a reason. When something is square, it is perfect. A square is also a Masons tool for perfecting angles, for perfect standardization.”

And this exactly why we GRADUATE, just as Saturn GRADUALLY ATE his own children, so does our education and society… thus you become an ALUMNI of the ILLUMNI… reaching the false enLIGHTenMENT and indOXtriNATION of the ILLUMINATI… HAIL/ HAEL or HIGH EL, the MOST HIGH, the BULL GOD, SATURN EL, god of the BIBLE… 

“A degree, a word covered earlier, has meaning in Masonic language. There are generally understood to be 33 degrees in American Masonic initiation. Upon completion of each degree, the individual Mason moves to a higher one.

If Phremassens holding degrees are illuminated, is it a coincidence that sophisticated graduates are called alumni or alumnus, which both hold a meaning in Latin of foster son? Although these students have not gone through the ritual initiation, they have attended university, uni- meaning one or singular, -verse, meaning to familiarize by study, and the suffix -ity, meaning quality, state or degree.

The foster sons of light have received an alternative initiation into the singular, or standardized, body of information and received a degree, or a negation to their natural status, replaced by one better suited to the goals of the international priesthood. So while they are not true Sons of Light, they are foster sons, and do serve a purpose. But before they can be used their natural inclinations and intuitions must first be brought under control and standardized at university.”

“If the mortar is used by the Masons to hold together the stones, the graduates are the standardized stones. Before they received their de-gree, they were in their natural, or rough, state. The Masons refer to a natural human as a rough ashlar, an ashlar being a type of stone. According to a Masonic dictionary, a rough ashlar is “a stone in its rude and unpolished condition, is emblematic of man in his natural state—ignorant, uncultivated, and vicious.”

But after having been de-greed (OF greed), the ashlar, the student, is now standardized and ready to be placed as “another brick in the wall,” which is really, all in all, what you are. ”


SATURN EL of the Bible:

Lifting The Veil fb team and online


Cap and gown saturn

Metatron (from Greek Meta+Tron meaning Beyond+Matrix.). Metatron is an angel in Judaism, some branches of Christianity and Islamic tradition Witchcraft. However, there are no references to him in the Jewish Tanakh (Old Testament), the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) or any Islamic source. Metatron

 A quick search will reveal that the etymology of “tron”, as defined above, cannot be found. Tron is defined as the suffix of “elcectron”, as well as : “Greek, suffix denoting an instrument; akin to Old English -thor, suffix denoting an instrument, Latin -trum”. There is more on Matatron, however. One of  definitions provided is: “one who serves behind the throne,” or “one who occupies the throne next to the Throne of Glory” (There was some freak in charge in the movie … just sayin’) .. also, the Saturn death cult symbols are still there, which was my original point, but I geeked out when I saw “matrix”.


While the following quote refers to a book, his website is full of information.

The Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled  Golden Age following which mankind then degenerated into the obsessive pursuit of wealth and power through the perverted horrors of slavery, child sacrifice and mass-murder rituals.

This website discusses the disturbing occult origins of the planet Saturn and its influence on our march towards the terrifying elitist agenda of ‘justifiable’ man-made global cleansing.

  • Learn why the planet Saturn is portrayed in mythology as our original sun where it was fixed in the heavens at Earth’s celestial north and from where it watched over the ancients like the All-seeing Eye of god.
  • Find out why today’s frightening sex-murder cults and secret societies are a twisted, yet deadly legacy of a time when people yearned for the rebirth of the planet Saturn as our original sun and source of life and light.
  • Discover the ‘Electric Universe‘,  the ground-breaking easy to understand science of plasma cosmology with an uncanny ability to provide natural explanations for what the ancients really saw happening in the skies above them; i.e. the same ancient records that today’s mainstream academics brush off as fantastical myths and certain Luciferian-type sects such as the so-called Illuminati claim as spiritual ‘Illuminated Truth’. (continued after banners)

A British national brought up in New Zealand, Troy McLachlan earned a bachelor’s degree in Asian and American politics before embarking on an advertising and television/film industry career in both New Zealand and later in Hong Kong where he was a resident for fifteen years. Fascinated by the cosmology of the Electric Universe hypotheses and its ability to provide rational and natural explanations for the mythological record, Troy recognised that a discussion of the model’s implications and their affects on the practises of prevailing occult belief systems was largely missing within Electric Universe literature. Recognising that the god Saturn plays an important role in some of the world’s more deviant esoteric traditions he wrote the website and kindle-book ‘The Saturn Death Cult’ as an attempt to forge a link between the implications of ‘Saturn Theory’ and its detrimental effect on the beliefs of certain Saturnian-based occult groups and agendas. The Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled Golden Age. It attempts to trace how, following the demise of this Golden Age, mankind then degenerated into the obsessive pursuit of wealth and power through the perverted horrors of slavery, child sacrifice and mass-murder rituals.

A couple of other sites:

Stay tuned. I will keep posting, as I am able. Follow the links, if you can muster the strength. I know this is not easy.

X Madonna





Thirsty? The Skinny On Mariah Carey’s “Revolt” Image

New readers be warned: this blog is not about “objective” album/song reviews. This blog is difficult, and it is not the writing part, as I keep it to a minimum. My posts here tend to be spontaneous drafts, with links to other people who have laid out a far more complex argument. Easy.

The difficulty is that I am posting  horrifying information about human beings who came into this world completely innocent, like everybody.

I adore many of the artists that I point the finger at all of the time. Mariah Carey is one of them. Her first album remains one of the best ever recorded, imo.  The hell she says that she endured while married to Tommy Mottola is no secret. He held her captive. No gentle way to say it.

Mariah’s struggles with maintaining a healthy, consistent weight are no secret, either. For a moment I wondered why the industry would bother trying to go to such great lengths to obfuscate this knowledge, then I remembered that saying about repeating a lie long enough for people to believe it.

It’s no mystery that weight gain kills a career, along with other things, such as pissing off executives. From a business perspective, it makes sense to show people in their best light, but the legs on the cover featured on “Revolt” are too much (or not enough).

Even when in her prime, Donna Summer had her shoes air brushed for the album cover of “On The Radio”. ???

Anyhow, $17 million for a year on American Idol, 200 million albums sold, and still she is struggling with something. Sigh. I wish you well, Mariah. I hope I am wrong about all of this and that you are safe and happy. Also, you are absolutely gorgeous, just the way you are – far more flattering in that black dress than the android legs for the album art.

Below: Mariah as doctored up for her album cover, followed by her recent, curvish appearance on Fallon’s first Tonight Show, with Lady Gaga (yeah … there is more cause for concern, right there … another story … suffice it to say for now that the topic gives me butterflies).

Mariah screen

Mariah 2



Note the butterfly next to the balloon, below. MK Ultra programming is said to consist of many variations, and some of them are named after movies (e.g., The Wizard Of Oz, Peter Pan/Neverland, Alice In Wonderland).


Mariah monarch 2


EDM And Ecstasy: Disney Raves Over Fresh Lineup Of “Young Blood”

Hopefully, the insanity of the things that are posted here is obvious. I don’t spend a lot of time going into detail on this blog, as my intention is to spark curiosity, rather than provide all of the answers. When all of the dots start getting connected, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming.

While trying to find new music, it was impossible to avoid the constant barrage of symbols, such as masonic imagery. I hear the people calling for us to lighten up on this, because it is just music after all, and we need to stop being prudes. However, a simple browsing through Billboard’s charts provides a constant onslaught.

Pyramids are cool and all, but in every video? People act like somehow we all decided as a culture that masonic imagery was the shit, when the fact is that it is being pushed on us, non-stop: It’s not “popular” for the reasons that people think it is.


On deck at DMG, which includes Disney and Hollywood Records, are Pretty Little Liars star Lucy Hale, whose album Road Between is out June 3, and Bella Thorne, whose Call It Whatever is due June 24. And boy band R5 will record a follow-up to its debut, Louder, after a tour-ending June 10 performance on ABC’s Good Morning America.

Aware that synergistic efforts have a payday beyond SoundScan reports, DMG continues to work tie-ins with other Disney divisions. “Fire N Gold,” a song from Bea Miller, the 15-year-old singer whose Young Blood EP debuts at No. 64 on the Billboard 200, will air in an ABC Family summer promotion. The Disney Channel and Disney XD will plug Dconstructed the week of May 5.

Disney Gets Into EDM, Overtakes Interscope in Album Market Share

Just look at Donald in this photo. Either he is hypnotized, or blissed out.  Mickey is the wicked DJ running the show in this photo featured on Billboard, and for educational purposes under the fair use act.

Illustration by Zohar Lazar

Illustration by Zohar Lazar





The 20/20 Illumination Of Justin Timberlake

As I get closer to the age of 50,  and farther away from the music of my youth, I am definitely getting rusty. Being turned off to the music industry is fine, but it seems to have resulted in keeping me in the dark, so to speak.

The recent release of the Michael Jackson album “Xscape” got me to thinking. It may seem an obvious choice to many, but the selection of Justin Timberlake seemed odd to me.

Timberkake is another Disney child.

I just did a search for the artwork for the album, and was shocked that I missed something so doggone obvious. It is likely that others have written more about this, but here is my take, fresh. I will come back to it:

Keep the significance of the Monarch butterfly in mind. Aside from being entombed in butterfly-like machinery that can pierce into his eyes, only one of them is open. He is illuminated. His vision is 20/20. What else is there, here?


Note the monarch butterfly on Michael’s shoulder, released after he was murdered.

Michael monarch

Okay … I had to get that out of my system. Thanks for stopping by, including in my absence (I missed a month).  I did some work on my other blog, however.



CannaMom’s Love Save Her Children? The Good Fight And What You Need To Know About It


[Edit]: I had to peak. There is plenty. From a year ago:

Hollywood, Satanism, Pop Music, You Tube And Mark Dice

It is my hope that by stumbling across this blog, readers may be inspired to check out other sources. It is not my intention to reinvent the wheel. Rather, this is my (perhaps feeble) attempt to be one more voice in the search engines. My point being that there are others who have done amazing, professional research and writing about many of the same topics barely summarized in this blog.

Mark Dice is one of those people.

Caveat: Personally I do not care for the manner in which Dice portrays the gay community. It is the closeted dudes that people should worry about. They live in their shadow, and commit heinous acts in the dark. Even so, Dice has the right to free speech. In fact, it is his universal right, even without a constitution. I digress. He has done some truly incredible work.

Here are two great sources who make the point better than I am able. For the best insight, read the full articles. Thanks.

Mark Dice: back up YT Channel:

Source: Luke We Are Change:

Why destroy Mark Dice? He hasn’t called for violence or incited hate speech. His most popular videos show him seeking signatures on absurd petitions such as one ensuring that Karl Marx is Obama’s self-appointed successor, documenting people signing away their basic constitutional rights without even thinking about what they are signing.

He rails against “illuminati” influence in what passes for music and entertainment these days, and exposes the worst of the worst in the apparent race to infuse all pop music with satanic imagery. He’s arguably harmless; he could be considered a gadfly who sometimes rises to the status of thorn in the establishment’s side. Fans know him as someone who is trying to help wake up his audience to the absurdities of government, show biz, and society at large.

Mark noted on Facebook that the date of YouTube’s transgression is 3/22, and that Yale’s mysterious and macabre Skull and Bones society honors the number 322. He’s not afraid to “go there” with some potent surmising about the significance of the date:

Coincidence or a subtle message? If you wonder why Skull and Bones uses the number 322 to represent their  members and goals it’s because in the Book of Genesis chapter 3 verse 22 the passage refers to Adam and Eve following Satan’s advice to become Gods themselves by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, as you may know, this is the secret of secrets of the Illuminati…they see Satan as good and that’s the ‘royal secret.’

Source: Christopher Cantwell:

This is a serious problem, ladies and gentlemen. Libertarians will correctly point out that YouTube has the right to do as it sees fit with content, but that doesn’t change the severity of the problem. I have repeatedly posted about myself and others being banned From Facebook for no good reason. I have had videos deleted by YouTube for trolling the NSAGoogle has openly admitted to manipulating search results.

We know that these companies are in bed with the US Federal Government. We know that the US Federal Government has actively sought out ways to manipulate public opinion on these outlets. Since Mark doesn’t use profanity, or promote violence, or hate speech, this can only mean that YouTube deleted the channel for one of three reasons.

  1. Private sector anti-freedom trolls making false reports
  2. Government social media trolls making false reports
  3. Direct government intervention, propaganda agents demanding YouTube remove the content.

Featured image source

Delayed React/Shun: Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse”

Of several blogs, this one continues to get the most hits. I appreciate it and I understand how this sort of stuff can be a prickly subject, to say the least. Compassion for the artists was part of the reason for starting this blog. When people tried to wake me up to what was going on in the industry, they did so with very little respect for the victims of programming and control who are often at the mercy of their handlers.

To be honest, I enjoy a lot of Katy Perry’s tracks. I had hoped that “Wide Awake” meant she was really awake, but the video tells another story: you can run, you cannot hide,  and “we” are in control.

The “hidden messages” of “Dark Horse” were printed seemingly within hours of the release of the video. It is easy enough to search for them. I contend that the messages really are not hidden, at all. The messages may still be encrypted, but the Egyptian / Illuminati symbolism is right there, begging for solutions.

As others have noted, the video is reminiscent of Michael Jackson, and we have more information about the culture of death that surrounded him: Video: The Music Industry Exposed

Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse”: One Big, Children-Friendly Tribute to the Illuminati


Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” is a fun and colorful video taking place in Ancient Egypt. However, behind the cartoonish style of the video, viewers are exposed to a great deal of symbolism of the occult elite and messages regarding its power. We’ll look at the symbolism of “Dark Horse”.

Anyhow, take a look for yourself. It’s all there. What “it” is is not quite clear. This type of imagery is all to common. If anybody claims just artistic merit, doing so with any sense of originality does not seem possible. How this morphs in the future will be interesting to observe, although like others who seek the truth and do their best to share it, it is unlikely that I will live to see the fruits of my labors.

With the exception of the rap parts, the track is listenable enough, although doing so is difficult when it is understood that there is more beneath the surface – and we only see the Katy Perry that “they” want us to see…

Sorry for the delay, but I had a most untimely heart attack. This was one of the last videos I watched on that day. eep

It’s beautiful to watch, I give them that. “Memphis, Egypt.” There is a pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee. Just sayin’ … that all-seeing eye is everywhere.




Pyramid Arena

The Pyramid Arena, initially known as the Great American Pyramid and commonly referred to as The Pyramid,[5] was originally built as a 20,142-seat arena located in downtown Memphis at the banks of the Mississippi River. The facility was built in 1991 and was originally owned and operated jointly by the city of Memphis and Shelby County; Shelby County sold its share to Memphis in April 2009.[6] Its unique structure plays on the city’s namesake in Egypt, known for its ancient pyramids. It is 321 feet (98m, about 32 stories) tall and has base sides of 591 ft; it is by some measures the sixth largest pyramid in the world behind the Great Pyramid of Giza (456 ft), Khafre’s Pyramid (448 ft), Luxor Hotel (348 ft), the Red Pyramid (341 ft), and the Bent Pyramid (332 ft). It is also slightly (about 16 feet) taller than the Statue of Liberty. For a number of years a statue of Ramesses the Great, created from a mold of the actual Ramesses statue in Egypt, stood in front of the Pyramid. In 2011, however, this statue was leased to the University of Memphis for the cost of $1 and was moved to the university’s main campus in April 2012.
Memphis pyramid

Katy Perry, The Grammys, And The Witches Sabbath (Akelarre): Where Have My Gay Brothers Gone?

We cannot be granted rights that are already ours – government only creates laws and imposes fines – keep that in mind. It amazes me how many of my liberty-minded, freedom-loving, gay brothers draw the line when it comes to our coveted divas.

As I stopped watching television a couple of years ago, I did not witness the Grammy Awards for 2014. However, Twitter and Facebook did not have any shortage of commentary. Without any knowledge of who would be on the show, I found myself wondering what type of ritual would be performed, or if this year performers might move on. To the casual listener/observer (zombie?), it all appears to be performance art for shock value. Keep searching, and like many others, religious, or non-religious, you may be surprised at what used to be hidden, that is now being thrown right in our faces.

Since so many things still remain hidden, or coded, knowing exactly what the purpose of these rituals are, in terms of what the industry is seeking to accomplish, is quite difficult. While the signs are there, not everyone has the keys to break the code.

How many artists are aware of what they are doing, versus simply following orders?

My only moment of joy out of all of this was learning of the awards for Daft Punks’ “Random Access Memories”, as it was reminiscent of a more innocent time, when the slick production of Giorgio Moroder, combined with the vocals of Donna Summer, blazed a trail for electronica.

Anyhow, there is nothing like doing your own research. These things seem so outrageous that it is easy to dismiss them, and just reading what others have to say is not the same as seeing it for yourself, independently.

As a gay man, I am curious as to why the corporate/statist media was right on board with gay weddings during the Grammy awards. I do not take issue with personal liberties, and I support the right of all to get married by the removal of unjust laws. We cannot be granted rights that are already ours – government only creates laws and imposes fines – keep that in mind. It amazes me how many of my liberty-minded, freedom-loving, gay brothers draw the line when it comes to our coveted divas.

katy perry grammy screen


Akelarre is the Basque term meaning sabbat, coven or ritual meeting of witches. It is also found in Spanish with the spelling aquelarre. It is the place where Basque witches hold meetings.

To be verified, on your own (from comments section on video):

youlie Lies
1 day ago

33 weddings, 33 degree Mason. They make it so obvious now. Its to show how much power they have over people.

[Edit 2-16-2014: My apologies. The content has been deleted]

The performance begins with, “Let’s rain” (18 seconds).  This is a clear reference to Baphomet. Again, do your own research. My apologies for not filling in more of the gaps, but #OpSafeWinter has been taking up a lot of my time, and for that I am most grateful. My love to all of you. Remember: Intelligence does not mean having all of the answers. It means asking the right questions.

Edit: It could be just the timing of the recording, and not the show, however: 18 seconds. 1+8 = 9 … or: 6+6+6 = 18 = 9


Donna Summer, Giorgio Moroder, Moog, The Munich Machine and “I Feel Love”: A Transhumanism Leap?

Featured Image Source
